Mobilization Against War and Occupation
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Constitution of Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)

A. Basis of Unity
We are a peace coalition of organizations and individuals who are against unjust wars and occupations. We educate and engage the public in the discourse against war to achieve long-lasting peace between all nations. MAWO is a single-issue united front that advocates for peace irrespective of the variety of political tendencies that exist within the coalition.

B. Definition
Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) is a coalition of over 50 endorsing members, most of which are labour unions, student unions, Indigenous groups, women's organizations, and groups from the third world. We are peace-loving people who work together to achieve a long-lasting peace on earth. In MAWO, we believe the people of the world have the capacity and drive to build a better world – a world without war. MAWO advocates peace and friendship between all peoples and all nations. Our goal is to educate the public to support peace and oppose unjust wars.

C. Method
Our central work is to educate the public using any and all means available and guaranteed to us within the constitution of Canada, in particular what is defined within the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

D. Structure
Because we are a coalition with the single focus of advocating for peace, our structure is simple and open as follows:

i) Executive Body
One executive body with 5 members, including:
-two co-chairs
-one secretary
-one treasurer
-one outreach officer

ii) Executive Responsibilities
The executive body shall meet at least once a week. Executive responsibilities are defined as follows:
The executive body shall conduct the business of the coalition between bi-weekly general membership meetings. The co-chairs shall be responsible for organizing and chairing these meetings. All functions and decisions of the executive body, including finance and outreach, must be approved by at a general membership meeting and are subject to change.

iii) Elections
The executive body shall be elected every six months.

E. Membership
We are coalition which is open for any individual or group to become a member if they agree with our basis of unity. In order to maintain MAWO as a democratic organization in which all members can discuss issues freely and openly, anyone who participates in the general meetings is considered a full member with voice and voting rights.

F. Anti Discrimination Policy
All members of MAWO have the right to participate fully in the coalition, regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, religious beliefs, or other differences.

Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)